Creative Photo Manipulations by Caesar Lima
Caesar Lima is a LA based photographer and his fresh imagery keeps us guessing as to what innovations he will create next. The merging of photography and computers is what gives Caesar's work an edge. Although the line that is drawn between these two mediums is unclear, obscured in his work, he likes it that way.
When it comes to staying fresh and innovative, Lima is very particular, a self-proclaimed “non-purist”, he gets a kick out of going against the grain and doing the “wrong thing”. Caesar strives to create imagery that has never existed, that makes you think, that is unusual and at times, even surreal. However rebellious his methods may be, Caesar has become one of the most successful commercial photographers in the last few years.
Unique is an adjective that most photographers would love to be branded with, and for Lima, it's completely accurate. He has made uncommon creativity a crucial part of his business. Not only has he defined a unique visual style, but it's his obsessive experimentation that pushes him to deliver the results that keep clients coming back.

The fresh photography of Caesar Lima keeps us guessing as to what innovations he will create next. The merging of photography and computers is what gives Caesar's work an edge. Although the line that is drawn between these two mediums is unclear, obscured in his work, he likes it that way. Caesar won an award for best digital photography. Ironically, the photo that was selected out of fifty of his submissions was the only one that was not digitally enhanced, it was pure photography. Caesar found this amusing. "To no be clearly judged, to do of-the-wall-opposite, opposite of the purist, that is the kick I get. The thrill is to do the wrong thing". Said like a true fringe rebel, last years cutting edge may not cut it today.

This is why Ceasar continually checks out new innovative equipment such as computer controlled robot lights. In this rapidly evolving industry, to keep growing is necessary. Caesar keeps a finder on the digital pulse of the Zeitgeist. Whether showing a non-retouched photo or digitally enchanced photo, you can bet that Caesar's work produces an explosive charge. Many ideas come late at night, prompting him to wake up early and jump-start these dream-state discoveries. "I am an open door to new ideas, open 24 hours a day". Caesar speaks of the cycle in which the underground becomes and identity, then main stream, then crash course, then burn out. Driven by technology, Caesar is on the cutting edge of the industry.

Labels: Advertising Photography, Beautiful Photography, Creative Photography, Editorial Photography, Fashion Photography, Photo Art, Photo Manipulation, Photo Retouching, Still Life Photography
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